A Billion People And Even More Phones - Debconf 16


A look, as an insider, on how a multi billion dollar industry is changing the game in the world's largest democracy from an insider's point of view. I would like to talk about my journey as a female coder from a developing nation which gives me a different perspective to the world. From parents who taught me to use Linux at an early age to living in the land at the verge of an IT boom which assures a job to anyone with basic computer knowledge. Anyone at any stage of their professional life can be the audience. The goal is to entertain the audience while shedding light on how technology is changing India and helping us solve our problems and how you can leverage some of that to find a solution you maybe looking for. Special emphasis on women empowerment and future prospects. Talk (20 mins) session with Keerthana Krishnan during Debconf 16

lastet opp 19. juli 2016
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